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Doc-U is a combination of an app and device that suggests activities to people with chronic depression to address moods through data voluntarily donated by other users and helps people with depression identify the most appropriate solutions for them through a self-assessment over time.

Team: Jiawen Yao (UX/UI, analog prototyping) , Una Preuß(UX) , Anton Wille (Andorid development), Jonathan Rex (Data structure)




Design research

4 months



Digital sovereignty in Healthcare

A highly digitized world where personal information is recorded and flows to third parties, and users don't know how the data is generated, where it flows, and who has control over it. it's about controlling where the data resides, where it flows, and who has control over it. With the above information in mind, it's easy to see the broad societal implications and importance of digital sovereignty. With the above information in mind, it's easy to see the broad societal implications and importance of digital sovereignty

German digital health record system (EPA)


Pros> The entire healthcare system can be linked together to provide more specific medical treatments.

The aim of the ePA is to comprehensively network the German healthcare system, both between different specialists or pharmacies and between doctors, pharmacies and patients. Many work steps that were previously analogue or in paper form can be digitized and thus simplified by the ePA. Further advantages: Medical information is available transparently and will make many processes easier in future. This will benefit patients as well as doctors, pharmacists, therapists and other healthcare professionals.

Con > Users have no ownership of data storage and modification

We are aiming at

To empower patient with chronic conditions to manage their healthcare data and benefit from it

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We take people sufferting from depression as an example

The problems they are facing: 

Asset 1.png

The data in emotion diary are not fully be used 

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lack of rapid feedback from outside and doctor

Asset 2.png

Don't want actively to record their emotional states

The features our product offers:

Ultlising their own user generated contents to find suggestions

Data donation to help each other

Analog device motivate them to record emotion state

Doc-U 2.png

Users freely document their thoughts via a microphone. The thoughts then congeals in a chocolate ball that falls out of the microphone. The device counts word groups to identify frequently recurring themes. It suggests problem areas to which users can assign themselves. For each problem, users can refer to solutions from others who have the same problem and create their own list of solutions.

Users test the solutions one by one and document their effectiveness using a scale on the wearable part of the device. They can donate this data to help other patients with the same problem. Data donation helps other patients to find useful activities faster.

User Experience

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User journey

1. Record the worries of the moment with a microphone

4. Place the worry candy in the scoring turner

7.Test the second solution: Talk with friend, and evaluate

10. Unwrap the candy paper and eat it :)

2. Physicalise your worries, get worry candy

5. Test effectiveness of every solution

8. Test the third solution: Take depression medication, and evaluate

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11. Satisfied

3. View worries on the app and choose potential solutions from community recommendations

6. Evaluation of the first solution: Meditation

9. All evaluations are recorded, take out the worry candy

12. Donate your worry candy and evalution to help others who with the same worry!


spring mechanisim

structure [WHITE].png

evaluation disc

Motor & event disc

Arduino nano

hall sensor

These two parts mainly use arduino nano with Bluetooth to communicate with the andorid studio. The Hall sensor can detect the number of laps to obtain the user's evaluation status, which corresponds to the different colours on the evaluation disc.


The evaluation bar

Asset 14.png




Other attemptations in process


Appearance prototyping


APP development

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user flow1-02.jpg
user flow3-02.jpg

Hardware, front-end and back-end linkage

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