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Hi, I'm Jiawen Yao (姚 佳雯)
I work as an interaction designer. My interests lie in exploring the synergy between the physical world and digital information. I'm fascinated by how physical experiences can enhance people's lives. I believe that the machine and products all around us should be regarded as the extension of our bodies and thoughts, rather than the other way around.
TEI 2024 Pictorial (accepted)
Jiawen Yao. Info-Motion: Using metaphor of plant in information communication In shape changing interface. Eighteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction. DOI:
Recent news
German Design Graduate Awards Exhition 2023 Hamburg, Germany
German Design Graduate Awards, finalist
Project: Info-motion, In Design experiment categories, Top 3
DIS 23 Workshop Soft Robotics for HCI, paper presentation, Pittsburgh, USA
DAAD(German Academic Exchange Service) Graduation Fellowship
Coding IxD Digital Sovreinty Interactive Exhibition in Weizenbaum Institute 2022 Berlin, Germany
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